In this article:
Genetics, age, gender, and energy balance (how many calories you consume versus how many calories you burn off) dictate how you gain body fat, and those factors will also determine how you lose that body fat. (1) Unfortunately, it is impossible to train to lose fat only in the hips or only in the thighs and nowhere else.

Rather, it is more important to adopt a mindset of training for heart health in order to lose body fat, in general.
If you have a goal set in your mind of how you want your hips and/or thighs to look, then you adopt a mindset of doing a cardiovascular activity (walking, running, bicycling, hiking, swimming, etc.) and work at that activity until you achieve that goal.
Keep in mind that your genetics, age, gender, and energy balance will also affect other parts of your body, decreasing body fat and increasing lean mass as well. (2)
Exercises that target specific areas of the body will help increase lean mass (muscle tone) without increasing bulkiness. (3) When these areas are strengthened, you will find that you move with more stability and balance and your activities of daily living are much easier to perform.
Exercises to Strengthen the Hip Area
Here are a few exercises that can help tone your hips:
1. Squats
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. Flex the hips and bend at the knees, keeping the knees in line with the toes. (4) Return to a standing position.
Perform 20 repetitions, 1–3 sets.
2. Side lunges
Stand with feet outside shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. Shift body weight to one leg, and bend at the knee. Keep the knee over the toes. Return to the starting position.
Perform 20 repetitions (10 each leg), 1–3 sets.
3. Fire hydrants
Take a quadruped position with hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Maintaining hip flexion and a 90° bend at the knee, raise the leg from the floor. Return to the starting position.
Perform 20 repetitions (10 each leg), 1–3 sets.
4. Wall sits
Take a “seated” position against a wall. Hold for 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds.
Perform 1–10 repetitions.
5. Banded wall
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. Keeping toes pointing forward, take 10 small steps sideways; do NOT let the knees cave inward. Repeat in the opposite direction.
Perform 1–3 sets.
6. Side-lying leg raise
Lay on the floor on one side with toes pointing forward. Raise the leg up toward the ceiling, keeping the toes pointing forward. The pace should be slow – up 1–2–3–4, down 1–2–3–4.
Perform 10 repetitions each leg, 1–3 sets.
7. Jump squat
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward, body in a squat position. Jump so that both feet leave the floor and the body is in full extension. Land in the squat position.
Perform 20 repetitions, 1–3 sets.
8. High-intensity training
Push your body to its maximum for 20–30 seconds of an exercise (such as sprinting), (5) and then rest or do a less intense version of that exercise for 1–2 times that amount.
Keep repeating this pattern for 20 minutes.
Exercises for Strengthening the Thigh Muscles
Try the following exercises to get rid of excess fat from your thighs:
1. Lunges
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. Flex the hips and bend at the knees, keeping the knees in line with the toes. Return to a standing position.
Perform 20 repetitions, 1–3 sets.
2. Plank leg lift
Lay face down on the floor. Rise up on your toes and forearms; your body should form a plank position. Slightly raise one leg off the floor and hold for a count of 3–5 seconds.
Perform 10 repetitions on each leg, 1–3 sets.
3. Deadlift
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward and barbell to the front of the body. Flex at the hips and reach the barbell to the toes. Return to a standing position.
Perform 10–20 repetitions, 1–3 sets.
4. Bridges
Lay on the floor, face up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift hips off the floor until knees, hips, and shoulders form a line. Lower pelvis back to the floor.
Perform 20 repetitions, 1–3 sets.
5. Downward-facing dog
Downward-facing dog is a yoga pose that stretches the spine, legs, and shoulders. It also improves circulation and digestion and can also support the immune system.
Come to the floor in a tabletop position. Walk your hands slightly forward of the wrist, press firmly with your hands, spreading your fingers evenly. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips up and back until your legs go straight. Bent knees are okay in this position.
Lengthen your torso and lift your low navel. Stay in this position for 5–8 deep inhales and exhales.
Most-Asked Questions
How helpful is running in toning the lower body?
Running and stair climbing (as if running stadium stairs) are two of the best exercises you can do to lose body fat, tone your legs, and strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the hips. These cardiorespiratory exercises primarily set you on the path to excellent heart health.
However, when your body realizes you are going to be doing this activity for more than 30 seconds, it then begins to utilize fat stores for energy production. (5)
Why does the lower body collect most of the fat?
Fat distribution in the human body is dependent upon several factors: genetics, age, gender, total body fat content, and energy balance (6) (how many calories you consume versus how many calories you burn off).
If you find that your body is more of a pear shape, with thicker hips and thighs, then your type of fat distribution is more subcutaneous (sits under the skin), rather than the kind of fat that sits on the internal organs. (7) Those prone to this shape will find that they are less likely to suffer from metabolism-related disorders.
If you find that your body is more of an apple shape, with excess fat around the abdomen, then this type of fat is more visceral and can be found sitting on internal organs such as the liver and heart. (7) Those prone to visceral fat deposits are more likely to suffer from metabolism-related disorders and heart-related ailments.
What dietary changes need to be made to get a fit body?
The absolute number one dietary change you need to make to get a fit body is ENERGY BALANCE. If your goal is to lose body fat, then your daily caloric intake must be 200–300 calories less than your daily caloric expenditure, so that your body relies on its fat reserves for some of its energy production. (8)
If your goal is to gain lean mass, not necessarily “bulk,” just toned, then your diet should be high in protein and your daily caloric intake should be 200–500 calories more than your daily caloric expenditure.
If your goal is to maintain your current fat-to-lean-mass ratio, then your daily caloric intake and daily caloric expenditure should be equal. (8)
Final Word
One thing you do want to keep in mind when you’re focused on slimming down: be consistent when it comes to pursuing your goals, even if that means trying to lose hip fat. It’s impossible to “spot treat,” or lose weight from one specific area of your body.
You will need to burn fat all over, in addition to strengthening your underlying muscles. To help support weight loss and reduce your hip size, you’ll need to make changes to your diet and exercise program to help you make your hips smaller.
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