eMediHealth.com is an online web portal designed to provide information related to health and wellness for people in general.
Our aim is to make quality information available for our viewers and users. We strive to keep our information trustworthy, backed by scientific evidence and experts in the field. Plus, we focus on presenting it in such a way that it is easy to access and comprehend.
We make every effort to support the information we provide with relevant, recent and clear references and research findings cited along the information. A complete list of all citations is mentioned at the end of each article.
Our Principles
We are committed to providing safe and credible and authoritative information for our users and followers. We understand our responsibility toward the health and wellness of our followers, so we take every step possible to check the accuracy and correctness of the information we provide. If there are any contradictory medical evidences or any cautions to keep in mind relating to a certain topic or procedure then we make sure to inform you adequately about that also so that you can make an informed decision.
Also, you can rest assured that eMediHealth.com’s editing standards and policies are independent of any influence or interests of any advertisers or sponsors.
All that said, please bear in mind that this website is meant for informational purposes only; we do not provide any medical advice. So please visit your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of your health problems. Getting prompt medical help by a qualified healthcare professional can be one of the best things you can do for your health.
Our Team
Our team consists of communication and web professionals, with experience in creative writing, journalism, editing, proofreading, designing; medical writers; medical editors; and editorial researchers. We have a Medical Review Board consisting of board-certified practicing medical experts from different fields in health and medicine to medically review every article we publish. Also, we have an Editorial Team comprising experienced medical and content editors to check facts, make the overall article easy-to-understand for a wide range of readers and keep in line with our editorial standards and ethos.
Content Production
The content at eMediHealth.com is created by professional and experienced medical writers, assisted by editorial researchers, and then reviewed by an authority in the field from our Medical Review Board to add any missing pieces of information and correct any inaccuracies. In addition, our design professionals and medical illustrators present important segments of the article in a visually appealing way so the users can quickly and easily grasp relevant information without having to go through the entire article. Finally, the Editorial Team edits the article and evaluates it to uphold credibility, objectivity, and transparency. The article is then previewed and published by the web production team.
Later, we also put up some common, practical questions provided by our content journalists at the end of the articles, questions that many users dealing with the particular problem may already have in mind. These questions are then answered by certified health experts and authorities in the field but not those who were already involved in the production of the article so that we get a broader perspective on the topic. These questions and answers are again sent to our Editorial Team to check for their relevancy and accuracy.
Changes in External Links and Resources
Please bear in mind that although our expert editors and reviewers search up and evaluate high-quality resources and references giving reliable, accurate and up-to-date information, these links and resources may change or the information they contain may change. Despite all our attempts, we may not include such changes in time, or we may not necessarily include them at all.
Medical Writer and Editor Compensation
All our medical writers and editors receive compensation for the content they create. Members of our Medical Review Board also receive compensation for their contribution in producing new content and ongoing review for all content on the website.
eMediHealth.com displays the names of medical writers and reviewers along with their linked bios at the top of each of the articles they’ve authored and reviewed. You can follow that link to their respective profiles containing information about their area of expertise, educational qualification, professional experience, and more.
To avoid any potential conflicts of interest, our professional writers, medical writers, medical editors, and members of the Medical Review Board agree to disclose to our Editorial Team of any financial relationships they may have with any pharmaceutical firm or any health product or services company as it may threaten to compromise the credibility and transparency of the content they produce or contribute.
User Feedback & Comments
We periodically review user comments and feedback to better serve our users and followers. Any feedback, whether emailed to us or mentioned in the feedback section below each article, is highly appreciated because it helps us understand the needs of our users and the type of information they want or do not want.
We also welcome any feedback regarding material errors or misunderstandings in our content. Please email your concern at support@emedihealth.com and we will make every attempt to promptly correct our mistakes and clarify doubts.
To make sure our articles are up-to-date and in sync with recent advances in the medical field, we review them from time to time. You can easily find when we last updated an article at the bottom of that article. We may also add more information in an article if requested by a user or follower.
Last modified on: 28-02-2022