In this article:
The seeds of castor beans or the Ricinus communis plant provide a very special yellow-colored product called castor oil, which has exceptional antioxidant content. The oil also has a good quantity of vitamins and fatty acids that can work wonders for your hair. (1)
Castor oil can also function as an antimicrobial agent, which means it can keep your scalp free from microbial infestation, all while hydrating your scalp. Plus, it serves as an anti-inflammatory potion, which can soothe your scalp by ameliorating symptoms such as itching and rashes. (2)(3)
Research evidence also shows that castor oil promotes hair growth by inhibiting PGD2, an enzyme associated with hair loss or alopecia. Its most notable chemical component is ricinoleic acid, which has moisturizing and nourishing effects on the hair. (3)
By now, you’re probably already sold on the use of castor oil on your hair. The good news is some ingredients can be added to castor oil to make it even better for hair growth.
Ingredients to Mix with Castor Oil for Hair Growth
You can combine castor oil with these natural ingredients to enhance hair growth.
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is the first oil that comes to mind when talking about relaxing hair massages. This is because it has been used all around the globe for hair health.
Coconut oil contains a whole lot of necessary hair-nourishing compounds, such as fatty acids and antioxidants that promote hair health while also being an antimicrobial agent against scalp infections. (3)
Moreover, coconut oil has the inherent property of penetrating deep into your hair shafts to stop protein loss from the hair.
These are the reasons adding coconut oil to your castor oil is a great way to care about your hair. (3)
How to use it:
- Mix 2 tbsp of coconut oil with 1 tbsp of castor oil.
- Massage it into the hair and scalp using your fingers.
- Leave it about 30-40 minutes. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.
2. Aloe Vera Gel
While castor oil promotes hair growth by various mechanisms, aloe vera gel can improve the overall condition of your scalp.
According to researchers, aloe gel has really good soothing properties, which make it the perfect choice for those who suffer from constant itchiness and scaling on the scalp. (4)
How to use it:
- Cut an aloe leaf and scoop out the gel. You can also use high-quality packaged aloe gel if you do not have an aloe plant.
- In a mixing pot, add 2 parts of castor oil and 1 part of aloe gel. Using a whisk, mix them well until you are left with a smooth paste.
- Using your fingers, apply the mix to your scalp.
- Massage it into the hair roots and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse your hair with water and follow up with a shampoo.
3. Honey
Honey is a natural ingredient that can facilitate the growth of your tresses. It has antimicrobial properties and is often used to deal with dandruff and many other fungal infections.
Honey also promotes scalp cleansing as it keeps your scalp free from dead cells and debris, which is a must for healthy hair development. (5)(6)
How to use it:
- Combine 1 tbsp of honey and 3 tbsp of castor oil.
- Apply this mixture to your roots and tresses. You can use your fingers or a brush for this step.
- Leave it in your hair for approximately half an hour.
- Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.
4. Olive Oil
The oil derived by lightly pressing the fruits of Olea europaea is called olive oil, and it has been an all-time favorite of many cultures as a hair and skin care product.
Olive oil contains antioxidants, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids, all of which are great compounds that improve hair growth. This oil also has a moisturizing property as it seals moisture in your hair cuticles, keeping your hair hydrated. (3)
Moreover, olive oil has a great photoprotectant property, which means it safeguards your hair from damage caused by the UV rays of the sun.
A lot of people complain about having inflammatory symptoms on the scalp, such as scaling and redness, which hinder hair growth. Thankfully, these issues can be soothed by the use of olive oil. (3)
How to use it:
- Mix 1 part of castor oil with 2 parts of olive oil.
- Use the oil mixture to massage your hair before washing it.
5. Hibiscus Petals
Although native to South Asia, hibiscus flowers are a favorite of many all around the world, not only because of their beautiful appearance but also because of their therapeutic benefits.
Hibiscus flowers are rich in polysaccharides and anthocyanins, which combat various illnesses and disorders. (7)
In the traditional Indian medicinal system, hibiscus leaves are employed as a remedy for hair growth. It’s no surprise then that this wonderful plant can be mixed with castor oil to achieve amazing hair results. (8)
How to use it:
- Collect fresh hibiscus petals or buy dried hibiscus petals.
- Wash them to clean them.
- Crush them using a blender with a tiny bit of water to make a paste.
- For every 1 tbsp of hibiscus petal, add 3 tbsp of castor oil.
- Use this mixture as a hair mask.
6. Eggs
Eggs don’t only taste heavenly, but they also have heavenly effects on your hair. They are exceptionally abundant in biotin and lecithin, which influence hair development as they moisturize the scalp and prevent hair breakage. (9)(10)
They also have antimicrobial effects on the scalp and are great for ensuring healthy hair growth. (11)
How to use it:
- Whisk 1 egg in a bowl.
- Add 4 tbsp of castor oil. Mix well.
- Use the mixture on your strands as a leave-on mask, and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse it off.
Most-Asked Questions
Can I mix essential oils with castor oil for hair growth?
Yes, essential oils such as rosemary oil pair well with castor oil.
Are there side effects of using ingredients with castor oil?
If you’re allergic to any ingredient, it is better not to mix it with castor oil to avoid allergic responses.
How frequently should I use castor oil and other ingredients for hair growth?
Using castor oil once a week is good enough for hair growth.
Final Word
Castor oil, known for its antioxidant value and antimicrobial action, can promote hair health and ameliorate scalp issues. Coconut oil, aloe vera gel, honey, olive oil, hibiscus petals, and eggs work well with castor oil. Each ingredient delivers extraordinary advantages, such as moisturization, scalp soothing, and antimicrobial effects when used with castor oil.
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