In this article:
Breast size in women is determined by a number of factors including genetics, hormone fluctuations, and body weight.

Women who wish to reduce their breast size naturally should know that natural remedies for breast reduction may only work to an extent. It may be advisable to consult your doctor for safe and healthy ways to achieve it. (1)
While it may not be possible to lose breast fat alone, you can reduce breast size by losing overall body fat, especially if you are obese, and this article will show you how.
Home Remedies to Reduce Breast Size Naturally
You can try some home remedies that may reduce breast size to an extent. Some of the more effective ones are as follows.
1. Consume flaxseeds
Estrogen is a female sex hormone responsible for breast enlargement in women. Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other compounds that help regulate estrogen levels in the body. Consuming flax seeds regularly can help reduce breast size naturally.
Add a tablespoon of flax seeds to a glass of warm water. Drink this solution once a day, preferably on an empty stomach. (2)
2. Drink ginger tea
Ginger can help reduce breast size by reducing overall fat in the body. It contains thermogenic properties and also stimulates faster metabolism.
You can consume ginger tea once a day. Boil a teaspoon of shredded or grated ginger in a cup of water. Strain and drink the tea after adding some honey. (3)
3. Use fenugreek seeds topically
Fenugreek seeds can help reduce breast size similarly, by decreasing overall body fat. They can also help make the breasts firmer by increasing collagen production.
Soak a couple tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Grind the seeds to make a paste. Apply this paste all over your breasts, and let it sit for 2–3 hours before washing it off.
4. Try egg whites
Egg whites also help increase collagen synthesis to tighten the skin and make your breasts firmer. This can help your breasts look smaller as well.
Beat an egg white in a bowl until it forms a paste-like consistency. Apply this all over your breasts and wash it off after half an hour. Repeat this every day for a couple of months to see results.
5. Drink neem tea
Neem can be especially beneficial for lactating women. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help curb inflammation and breast enlargement associated with lactation.
Boil a few neem leaves in a cup of water. Add a pinch of turmeric (another anti-inflammatory agent) and some honey to this neem tea. Drink it once a day for at least 3 months. (4)(5)
6. Massage your breasts
Massaging the breast can help reduce breast fat and tighten the breasts.
Simply apply some warm coconut oil or olive to your breasts and massage them in circular motions for 10–15 minutes. Repeat at least twice a day. You can also use a breast reduction cream for massaging. (6)
7. Try sipping green tea
Green tea helps stimulate metabolism to reduce body fat. It is also effective against breast fat. You can consume a cup of green tea every morning on an empty stomach as well as before bedtime.
Dietary Changes That May Help
There are no dietary modifications you can make to help reduce breast size in general. However, you can make dietary changes to reduce body weight. A reduction in body fat may automatically decrease breast size as fat deposits are present in the breast tissue.
Women in Asian countries do not drink enough fluids or remain hydrated – this can lead to decreased collagen levels and saggy skin or breasts.
To aid in reducing breast size, implement these dietary changes:
- Consume nutrient-rich foods. Eating a nutritionally balanced diet can help increase metabolism and fill your stomach sooner. You can visit a dietitian to get an idea of the right amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc., that you should consume.
- Eating a calorie-deficit diet. The best and most effective way to lose excess weight is by watching your calorie intake. Reduce the number of calories you consume to prevent fat deposition and stimulate the metabolism of stored fat. The ideal calorie requirement for an adult female is 1,200 kcal/day, and for males, it is 1,500 kcal/day. Do not let your calorie intake fall below this number as it may lead to nutritional deficiencies. (7) Also, decrease salt, sugar, and oil intake.
- Maintain proper hydration. Try to drink at least 5–7 glasses of water per day to keep yourself hydrated.
- Reduce salt intake. Cutting on salt intake may help reduce swelling by reducing water retention.
Perform Exercises to Obtain Firm Breasts
Aerobic and cardio exercises can help reduce body fat and breast size in women. Aim for an hour of cardio every day, but start slow; 40 minutes of cardio should be enough for a newbie. Examples of cardio exercises include running, cycling, and jogging.
There are also pectoral toning exercises that can help tighten the chest muscles and provide better support to the breast. Examples include bench presses (raising weighted barbells while lying on a flat surface), dumbbell flies, etc. (8)
Push-ups and bench presses can help tone your muscles and reduce body fat, which may help give the appearance of tighter breasts.
Try Binding Your Chest
Chest binding can be done to reduce the visibility of your breasts. You can bind your chest in the following ways:
- Wear multiple sports bras
- Try layering your clothes.
- Use a kinesiology tape, which is a specific kind of tape used by many people to bind breasts.
- Use store-bought chest binders.
It is important to bind using a safe procedure as improper or very frequent binding can lead to discomfort, pain, tissue infections, etc.
Follow the given tips to bind properly:
- Use a breathable fabric such as cotton to bind.
- Try to keep yourself cool to avoid sweat deposits under the binder.
- Remove the binder when you are at home.
You may not see the desired results you want in a few days or weeks. It is important to stay motivated and continue to work out every day to achieve your goals.
You can consult a doctor for proper binding advice and to help you choose the best method for breast reduction.
Tips for Reducing Breast Appearance
The following tips can also prove helpful in reducing breast size.
1. Wear a firm sports bra
Invest in good sports bras. They may cost more than the average bra, but they are worth the money and can provide good support to your breasts.
2. Make sure you’re wearing a supportive bra that fits
Wearing a properly fitting bra is a good way to reduce the appearance of your breasts. Avoid bras that are too tight or too loose.
3. Avoid problematic clothing
If the appearance of your breasts makes you insecure, here are a few ways to make them less conspicuous:
- Avoid very tight clothing. Experiment with different cuts and styles to see what looks best on you.
- You may also want to avoid wearing clothes with low-cut necklines.
Most-Asked Questions About Breast Size
What is the ideal breast size?
There is no ideal breast size for all women. The size of your breasts depends on a number of factors such as your race, place of birth, genetics, etc. Ideal breast sizes or shapes are a myth perpetrated by showbiz.
Does breast size affect milk production?
No, breast size does not affect milk production. Milk production depends on hormone production and the health of the mother.
Do men also suffer from breast cancer?
Yes, men can suffer from a type of breast cancer known as invasive ductal carcinoma.
Does a healthy person need not worry about their breasts or breast size?
Following a healthy lifestyle and nutrition plan can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer and related disorders.
Do both breasts need to be the same size?
No, just like your feet, breasts can vary in size from each other. This is completely normal and in fact common.
Can breasts shrink with age?
Postmenopausal women may experience an increase or decrease in breast size due to hormonal changes or weight gain.
Final Word
You can try the natural remedies given above for a few months to see whether they work for you. If you do not see any noticeable difference, you can consult a doctor for a medical alternative such as breast reduction surgery or counseling to dispel insecurities caused by myths.
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