In this article:
It can be very embarrassing to constantly scratch your scalp or have white flakes sitting on your head 24/7, all because of dandruff.

If you go online today and look for products to control dandruff, you will come across 10,000+ different options because dandruff has become one of the most capitalized hair problems. Sadly, most of these products are filled with chemicals that can be bad for your hair in the long run.
To win over this hair issue, it is first important to understand what causes it.
Dandruff is often due to a fungal infestation by Malassezia. Thus, removing this fungus from the scalp is the right way to fight dandruff.
The good news is that nature has blessed us with a powerful antidandruff agent called neem.
Neem has been found to have a very potent antifungal action, which makes it one of the top natural candidates for treating dandruff. (1)(2)
Neem can be used in a lot of different ways. You can use neem powder to make a hair mask or use neem oil to massage your hair.
But what makes neem even better for dandruff resolution is its synergy with several other natural ingredients.
Ingredients to Mix with Neem for Dandruff
Some ingredients that can work exceptionally well with neem for dandruff are as follows.
1. Coconut Oil
The great-smelling coconut oil is nothing short of a blessing to those who suffer from hair problems such as dandruff. Adding a spoonful of melted coconut oil to neem oil is a great dandruff remedy.
Researchers have shown that coconut oil obtained from the fruits of C. nucifera is a very famous hair oil in South Asian countries because of its rich fatty acid content.
Moreover, coconut oil exhibits great antifungal activity while also moisturizing the hair. It prevents protein loss by penetrating deeply into the hair and strengthening the hair roots. (3)
A study showed that women who are in a habit of applying coconut oil to their hair had a higher count of good bacteria that keep away the dandruff-causing microbes, protecting the hair from them. (4)
How to use it:
- Mix 2 tsp of neem oil and 2 tbsp of coconut oil to get the perfect antidandruff oil.
- Apply it to your strands.
- Leave it on for 40-45 minutes.
- Wash your hair with water and mild shampoo.
2. Honey
Remember how when you’d get sick, your mother would bring you a spoonful of honey every day to help you recover faster? Ever wondered why that was and why honey is talked about with such high regard in the healthcare community?
The simplest answer to this is that honey is a great antiseptic agent. This means it can play a role in your fight with dandruff-causing microbes. Even research supports the use of honey for issues such as psoriasis and dandruff. (5)
In a study, people who used honey topically on their hair saw a huge difference in their dandruff levels and associated symptoms in only 2 weeks. They felt a lot better and enjoyed improved hair health after the study was concluded. (6)
No doubt honey and neem can do wonders for your hair.
How to use it:
- In a small pot, add 3 tbsp of neem paste and 1 tbsp of honey. Mix well.
- Apply the mixture to slightly wet hair.
- Cover your hair, and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Rinse it afterward.
3. Yogurt
Did you know that in India, before any special event, people eat a spoonful of yogurt and sugar for good luck? Yogurt has been associated with positive news and this just might also extend to your hair health.
Yogurt, being a probiotic, has wonderful antifungal properties that can make it a potential antidandruff remedy. A lot of studies have shown that this remedy is not only good in theory but also widely used in many countries by a lot of women. (7)(8)
Another advantage of using yogurt for dandruff control is its antioxidant content, which is nourishing for the scalp and good for the growth of hair. (9)
How to use it:
- Mix ½ a cup of yogurt and 2 tbsp of neem powder.
- Apply the mixture to your hair roots and ends.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse it off with water.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another household item that has great antifungal activity and, thus, can be a good ingredient to fight the main dandruff-causing agent, Malassezia furfur, which is a fungus.
Moreover, ACV leaves your hair smoothened out and well conditioned. (10)
How to use it:
- Dilute ½ cup of ACV with ½ a cup of water.
- Mix ½ cup of diluted ACV and 2 tbsp of neem powder.
- Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for 15 minutes.
- Wash your hair with water and mild shampoo.
5. Tree Tea Oil
The Australian tribal communities were the first ones to understand and make use of tree tea oil as a useful remedy for various hair and skin disorders. Now, even after hundreds of years, science still makes use of this amazing ingredient.
Research has shown tea tree oil to have incredible activity against fungal infections, deeming it to be an eligible prospect for antidandruff developments. (11)
According to professionals, applying diluted tea tree oil to the hair helps deal with dandruff and improves your scalp health. (12)
How to use it:
- Mix 2 tbsp of olive oil, 2 tsp of neem oil, and 15-20 drops of tea tree oil.
- Massage this oil blend into your scalp.
- Leave the mixture on your head for 30 minutes.
- Wash it off.
5. Onion Juice
Onion juice may not sound very appetizing, but it is a therapeutic ingredient that can help fight dandruff.
This juice contains compounds called saponins, which are great fungicidal agents. This is why onions have the potential to kill dandruff-causing fungi on the scalp. (13)
How to use it:
- Peel and chop 2 medium-sized onions.
- Blend them in a processor to make a puree.
- Strain it to get the onion juice.
- To this, add 2 tbsp of neem oil. Mix thoroughly.
- Use the mixture on your hair.
Most-Asked Questions
Is it true that neem causes hair loss?
Neem does not cause hair loss. In fact, according to experts, it helps with hair loss.
How do I eliminate the smell of neem on my hair?
Shampoo your hair twice to remove the smell.
Final Word
Dandruff, a persistent and annoying issue, can be resolved by using neem, which is known for its powerful antifungal action.
When used with ingredients such as coconut oil, honey, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and even onion juice, neem becomes a very useful agent in the fight against dandruff.
Consider harnessing the power of neem for a dandruff-free and healthy scalp.
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