In this article:
A negative environment can be unhealthy and damaging to your general health. Negativity alters your mood and affects your relations, and it can also change your nature.
Negative surroundings are often associated with lethargy, depression, and violence. Therefore, if you constantly feel low in your house, you need to bring about some changes.
The Importance of Cleansing Your Home of Negative Energy
Maintaining a positive outlook is an important part of your well-being. Staving off negative energy is a vital part of preserving your energy levels and keeping them in a high, positive place.
Your environment, specifically your home, is crucial to your energy levels, both positive and negative. Maintaining a positive energy level in your home will contribute favorably to your overall well-being. (1)
Factors That Feed Negative Energy
Two of the biggest contributors to negative energy in the home are clutter and chaos.
Not only do clutter and chaos have the tendency to block energy flows, but they can also cause a great amount of stress. Stress, in turn, compounds negative energy.
What’s the solution? Declutter and take control of the chaos.
Donate, recycle, consign, or discard unwanted objects. Getting rid of unused, unnecessary things will leave you feeling lighter, freer. If you are able to help another by donating, you’ll be especially pleased with how wonderful it feels to declutter!
The Vibe of Your Home Reflects Your Inner State
It has been said that your home is a mirror of yourself. Your home can be one of your greatest allies in helping you achieve your potential.
As you clear your home of clutter and chaos, you will clear your mind, enabling you to focus on your goals more clearly. (2) Less negative energy, less clutter, and less chaos will lead to less distraction and less frustration. In turn, your inner self will be able to shine.
What about vision boards? You can also try thinking of your home as a vision board of sorts.
A vision board is usually a poster (sometimes just a page) of thoughts and pictures of the things you want to see manifest in your life. Seeing those items, pictures, or words in front of you makes them real and achievable.
Ways to Remove Negative Energy From Your House
Tapping into energy sources is an age-old tradition. Many cultures offer many different types of rituals to cleanse the home of negative energy and keep positive energy in place. Here are a few.
1. Smudging
Smudging is a Native American tradition of spiritual cleansing, (3) to wash away the negative energy that gathers in a space over time. It is easy and relatively inexpensive.
The traditional smudging “stick” is composed of a variety of herbs and twigs, such as sage, sweet grass, lavender, and cedar. The sage is said to drive away negative energy and the sweet grass to attract positive energy.
The stick is lit to flame, tamped down, and then let to smolder, creating a sweet, thick smoke, while chanting a phrase or prayer to evoke positive energy and release negative energy.
2. Crystals
Crystals and gems are used for warding off evils spirits and channeling greater power. (4) Take, for instance, black tourmaline. This powerful crystal is believed to absorb the negative electromagnetic energy and unlock any energy blockages.
You can also consider purple amethyst. This stone helps reduce stress, provides inner peace and strength, and encourages spiritual growth. Amethyst helps absorb positive energy and removes any negative energy.
A bluestone, blue agate can help relieve stress and anxiety. This stone is generally used in bedrooms for its relaxing effect.
3. House plants
House plants are incredibly impactful to any space. Not only are they pleasing to the eye, but they infuse color, enrich the air quality, and have a calming effect on people. (5)
There are at least eleven types of indoor plants associated with the eastern practice of feng shui (6) that are thought to absorb negative energy.
They are:
- Cactus, said to be like a “devil’s eye,” helps keep your home safe and sound.
- Orchids boost positivity and help purify the air by releasing oxygen. They improve the spiritual wellness of a home by contributing to increased love and romance.
- Basil calms tensed nerves and has potent antioxidant properties that attract positivity. (7) It also emits good quantities of oxygen while absorbing the harmful carbon gases.
- Ivy rids the air of toxins and provides cleaner, purer air to breathe, (8) which increases positivity at home.
- Snake plants absorb harmful chemicals present in the atmosphere, such as xylene, formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene. (9) They help purify the air and remove all the negative energy.
- Bamboo is associated directly with wellness and positivity and is great at absorbing harmful compounds from the air.
- Calatheas have excellent absorbent properties, ridding the air of negativity and malice, while it purifies the air around it.
- Peace lilies help clean the surrounding environment and impart a peaceful vibe. It also helps promote vitality and positivity in the living spaces.
- Jasmine promotes healthy living and rids your homes of all negative energy. It also has healing properties. It is best used when placed near south-facing windows.
- Rose removes harmful toxins from the air and brings positivity at home.
- Lavender (10) helps reduce stress levels, eliminate harmful toxins, reduce blood pressure, alleviate headaches, and improve insomnia. It has multiple benefits that include air purification and ridding homes of all negativity.
ALSO READ: 10 Amazing Plants That Promote Positive Energy
4. Natural light
A dark room can instantly make you feel low and drained. On the other hand, natural light – sunshine – is an immediate mood booster.
Open the curtains, raise the blinds, crank the windows wide, and let the breeze blow through. Blow away that stale, old, trapped, negative energy, and replace it with fresh, bright, sunny positivity.
Simplest Ways to Foster Positive Energy in the House
Take a look around. Imagine you are the energy. Let yourself flow. Do you need to move furniture? Do you need to change up the color scheme? A fresh coat of paint in a more positive color is a cost-effective way to make a big change.
Where do you spend the most time? Pay attention to those areas of your home first. Make them as comforting as possible. Unclutter them, pick some of the positive-energy-producing items discussed above and incorporate them into your space.
Do what feels good for you and your ultimate goals. Create your vision within your home. Build up the positive, push out the negative. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Happy energy wrangling!
Final Word
While it may seem a bit odd, the energy of your surroundings largely influences your physical and mental health.
A negative environment can cause a lack of energy, low mood, and trouble sleeping. To remove this, clean and declutter your house and introduce items that cleanse the air.
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