In this article:
Ringworm is a common fungal infection that can happen on different parts of the body such as the scalp, feet, or thighs. Ringworm causes itchy circular patches on the scalp. It is mostly seen in young children and is a contagious disease.
Fortunately, there are a few simple home remedies that can help treat ringworm on the scalp. (1)(2)
Home Remedies for Ringworm of the Scalp
Mild fungal infections can be treated at home with natural remedies. However, it may be better to consult a doctor for medical treatment if your symptoms do not resolve after a few weeks or your infection is causing severe discomfort.
1. Massage with tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is filled with anti-inflammatory and antifungal compounds. It has been used as a natural remedy for skin infections for ages.
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to some coconut oil, and massage this mixture on the scalp for a few minutes. Repeat twice a day for best results. (3)
2. Use turmeric
Turmeric is another well-known ancient remedy for skin infections. It contains the active ingredient curcumin, an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compound. It helps soothe itching and also kills the fungus.
Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a tablespoon of coconut oil to form a paste. Apply this to your scalp and massage it well. (4) Wash it off after 20 minutes. (5)
3. Apply colloidal silver to the scalp
Colloidal silver is being pushed as a natural remedy for fungal infections and rash. Some studies have found it to be as effective as topical clotrimazole in treating ringworm.
You can apply colloidal silver directly to the affected area twice a day. Use a spray bottle for best results. (6)
4. Powdered licorice can help
Powdered licorice is also an effective natural remedy for fungal infections. It contains antimicrobial properties that help curb the growth of fungus and provide relief from itching.
You can make a licorice paste by boiling some licorice powder in a cup of water. Simmer it until the paste thickens, and apply the cooled paste onto your scalp. Wash it off after half an hour. (7)
5. Try using oregano oil
Oregano oil is also a useful remedy for rash. It helps soothe the scalp and also stops fungal growth.
Mix oregano oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and apply this blend to the scalp. Let it sit for half an hour before washing it off. (8)
6. Use garlic
Garlic can be an effective (albeit smelly) remedy for scalp irritation due to ringworm. Allicin, the active ingredient present in garlic, contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. (9)
Crush 4–5 cloves of garlic in some olive/coconut oil and let it cook for 2 minutes on low flame. After cooling, apply this oil to the scalp and let it sit for half an hour before washing it off.
7. Apply aloe vera
Aloe vera is a well-known natural remedy for a number of skin infections. It helps curb fungal growth and also provides relief from itching or irritation.
You can apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to the scalp. Wait half an hour for the gel to dry before washing it off. (10)
Prevention Against Scalp Ringworm
Ringworm is highly contagious and spreads via physical contact. It is difficult to prevent, especially in children. Here are a few steps you can take to prevent it:
- Do not share brushes, combs, etc., with other people.
- If you notice small circular patches of missing fur on pets, they may be suffering from ringworm. Keep them away from children and take them to a vet immediately.
- Use shampoo and clean your scalp regularly. (10)
Will Scalp Ringworm Go Away by Itself?
Scalp ringworm is unlikely to go away on its own. You can try the home remedies given above to treat it. If your symptoms seem to be getting worse, consult a doctor for antifungal medications.
Final Word
Scalp ringworm, or tinea capitis, is not a serious condition per se but can cause severe discomfort. Children are more prone to it than adults. They may also make the infection worse by scratching it continuously.
Try the home remedies in this article alongside over-the-counter treatments for faster relief. If symptoms persist after a few weeks, consult a doctor immediately.
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