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Everybody wants long, lustrous, thick, and healthy hair, but the regular onslaught of environmental pollutants, negligent hair care, and poor nutrition can make this quite a struggle. These factors not only damage the strength, quality, and appearance of your hair but also slow down its growth.

The first step in boosting hair growth is improving your hair care routine. This includes proper hair washing, using the correct hair products, oil massages, and avoiding heating tools, to name a few basic steps.
But if you are really committed to the goal, consider using hair growth stimulants such as onion juice, which can help increase your hair volume.
While onion juice is an excellent hair remedy, people often hesitate in using it due to the onion smell that lingers in the hair even after shampooing. However, you must know that it is fairly easy to get rid of that onion juice smell, and all it takes is a thorough washing with certain additional ingredients.
How to Wash Off Onion Juice
Onion juice not only leaves a pungent smell on the hair but is also laden with impurities that cling to the scalp and clog the hair follicles. If you do not wash off the onion juice properly, it can accumulate with every use, eventually becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and more difficult to wash off.
The good news is these problems can be easily overcome with a few steps. Follow these tips to properly cleanse your scalp after onion juice application and get rid of the smell:
1. Use a scalp-cleansing shampoo
It is best to use clarifying shampoos as they deep cleanse the scalp and therefore remove the pungent smell. For this purpose, you can wash your hair with antibacterial cleansers, zinc or ketoconazole shampoos, or salicylic acid-containing sulfur shampoos. (1)
Always use a conditioner after using clarifying shampoos as they can dry out your hair. Avoid using them more than twice a week.
2. Rinse your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar
After shampooing your hair to wash and remove onion juice from the scalp and hair, rinse your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar (ACV) to help reduce the onion juice smell. To make the rinse, mix 2 tbsp of ACV in 1 cup of water. You can also use onion juice or coffee rinses for the same purpose.
3. Use an ACV-based shampoo
The mild acidity of ACV dissolves or loosens the dirt, sebum, dead skin, and other stubborn impurities settled on the scalp and in the hair follicles, making them easier to remove.
This is why ACV is great for eliminating onion juice residue. Plus, ACV is credited with antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help keep your scalp infection-free. You can easily find ACV-based shampoos in beauty stores and drugstores. You may also buy citrus-based shampoos to help get rid of the smell.
4. Try essential oils
Essential oils can be added to your shampoos to get rid of the lingering onion juice smell. Moreover, essential oils such as peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree essential oils (2) have hair health-boosting properties as well and therefore can aid in hair growth. You can also use citrus essential oils that have a fragrant smell.
Add 2–3 drops of essential oil to your shampoo. When applying it directly to your scalp and hair, make sure to mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil before using to prevent irritation.
ALSO READ: How to Use Essential Oils for Hair Growth
5. Rinse with herbal-infused water
Prepare a hair rinse with rosemary or mint leaves by boiling the herb in water. Once the infusion is cooled down to room temperature, you can use it as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.
Other alternatives to mask the smell of onion juice include witch hazel water and lemon-infused water. Lemon juice breaks the odor molecules, helping get rid of the pungent smell.
How to Make Onion Juice
Onion juice can be quickly and easily extracted from onions by following these steps:
- Peel a few onions and wash them.
- Chop the onions into tiny pieces.
- Blend the chopped onions until you obtain a smooth puree.
- Pass the puree through a muslin cloth and wring it to extract more juice.
- Pour the extracted juice into a spray bottle, and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
How to Apply Onion Juice to Hair
Efficiently apply onion juice to your hair by following these steps:
- For hair care, onion juice is chiefly applied to the scalp to improve hair follicle health and boost hair growth. You can spray the onion juice onto your scalp and massage it in for a few minutes. You can use a cotton ball or a nozzle bottle for the application.
- Once you’re done with your scalp, you can continue applying the juice to your hair strands to prevent hair fall. It is best to section your hair and then spray the juice to each or apply it directly using your hands.
- Since onion juice can irritate the scalp, you can add honey, coconut oil, or aloe vera to it for its soothing properties. Mixing a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil to the juice before application also masks the smell of the juice to some extent.
- Wash your hair after 15–20 minutes of application and shampoo it as usual. Warm water rinses the onion juice more effectively.
Advantages of Applying Onion Juice
Onion juice is a natural home-based remedy that not only helps increase hair growth rate but also stimulates hair regrowth. These effects are especially beneficial for people struggling with hair thinning and balding issues.
Onion juice is rich in sulfur, which is essential for hair growth, regeneration of hair follicles, and improved blood circulation. (3) The use of onion juice helps prevent graying of hair and even reverse premature graying, owing to its antioxidant content and catalase-boosting properties.
Onion juice also helps degrade hydrogen peroxide, improves the hair growth cycle, and prevents hair breakage and thinning.
General Queries
How long does the smell of onion juice stay on the hair?
The odor from onion juice may linger for 3–4 hours after normal shampooing. Avoid tying your hair until it is completely dry, as otherwise the smell may get trapped in the hair.
How often should onion juice be used?
It is recommended to apply onion juice to your hair and scalp 2–3 times a week. Make sure to wash your hair properly after 15–20 minutes of application.
Final Word
Fresh onion juice has been long use to boost hair health and increase hair growth. However, with the advantages of onion juice comes its lingering smell. The juice can also be irritating to the eye.
Therefore, it is important to use onion juice correctly and wash it off properly to prevent it from accumulating in your hair. The use of scalp-cleansing shampoos and essential oils is highly recommended to help make your hair odor-free. Avoid using onion juice if you are sensitive to it or have scratches on your head as it can cause inflammation and irritation.
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