In this article:
Bananas are not only a healthy addition to your regular diet, but they have long been used in topical beauty remedies to enhance one’s skin and hair quality. Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits all over the world and are popular among all age groups.
But even then, people haven’t realized all the benefits that this fruit has to offer. The healthy goodness of bananas is not limited to their pulp – the fruit peel packs a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes as well.
Yes, that’s right. The banana peel that you are so quick to discard can be used topically to combat a number of beauty problems and improve your overall appearance.
Uses of Banana Peels
The following is a list of science-backed as well as anecdotal remedies that employ banana peel for the enhancement of aesthetic appeal.
Disclaimer: Before applying banana peel to your skin, make sure that you are not allergic to it by doing a patch test first.
1. To reduce skin blemishes
The skin harbors many kinds of microbes that are called commensals because they live in harmony with the body. An adverse change in your skin’s environment can trigger the overgrowth of these microbes, leading to infections such as acne that contribute to scars and blemishes.
These organisms feed on dirt, sebum, and dead cells, pointing to the importance of proper skin hygiene. Plus, they tend to thrive in warm and humid conditions, which is why unclean, oily, and sweaty skin is the perfect breeding ground for them.
Not just that, the skin’s pH also plays a role in the development of skin infections. Normal skin pH is slightly acidic, which helps deter the growth of infection-causing microorganisms. But many factors can increase this pH to make the skin abnormally alkaline.
Alkaline skin is conducive to the growth of microbes and thus more prone to skin infections. Acne is one of the most common dermatological complaints and a leading source of skin blemishes that occur when a particular bacterial strain that lives on the skin overgrows and builds up inside your skin pores.
Acne-causing bacteria can be of two types: gram-positive and gram-negative. The key difference between the two is that gram-negative bacteria have a slimy layer of lipid covering their outer cell membrane that makes them more difficult to penetrate and destroy through antibiotics, whereas gram-positive bacteria are devoid of any such protective covering.
How banana peel helps
Some studies conducted over the past decade have shown that banana peels exhibit antimicrobial activity toward both gram-positive and gram-negative strains of bacteria. (1)
Different parts of the banana plant have been shown to have antimicrobial activity toward streptococci as well as the fungi candida, which is also a common cause of skin infections. (2)
A recent study has shown that water extracts of banana peels exhibit potent antibacterial properties that may be attributed to the bioactive terpenoids, saponin steroids, and phenols found in the peels. (3)
How to use:
- Wash your skin with cool water, and then pat it dry with a clean towel.
- Sprinkle some turmeric powder on the inner side of a banana peel.
- Gently massage the affected area with the peel for 5 minutes.
- Wait for about 15 minutes.
- Wash the treated skin with lukewarm water, and then pat it dry.
Note: As more research, especially clinical trials, is still needed, it is advisable to use banana peels for mild skin infections only, such as mild acne or blackheads.
2. To reduce thin dental plaques
The gums are attached to the teeth at a point quite deeper than what is visible. There is a groove between the gums and teeth known as the sulcus, wherein food particles can easily get trapped and build up in the long run if you are negligent about your oral hygiene.
Oral bacteria will then collect at the site to break down food debris and release corrosive acids in the process that damage your tooth enamel and gingival tissue. These bacteria stick together, forming a soft, pale biofilm called plaque that covers your teeth and gums.
Plaque accumulation over your teeth can make them look dirty and yellow. Plus, the plaque-forming bacteria will keep releasing acids that can greatly weaken the structural integrity of your teeth.
If left untreated, the plaque will build up inside your gum cavity and give rise to infections such as gingivitis or its more serious form, periodontitis, which can destroy your dental root and cause complete tooth loss.
Not just that, the plaque deposits harden or calcify over time to form tartar, which can only be removed through professional dental cleaning.
How banana peel helps
According to preliminary research, banana peel extracts are known to exhibit antimicrobial activity against two gram-negative bacteria that are prime culprits behind several gum infections, namely P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans. (4)
This disinfectant quality can be traced back to the bioactive compounds found in banana peel, including terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, and phlobatannins.
How to use:
- Rub the inside of a fresh banana peel all over your teeth for a few minutes.
- Brush your teeth using toothpaste to get rid of the residue.
- Use this remedy once daily for a couple of weeks.
Note: Gum infections that have advanced to a more serious level warrant medical attention. Do not attempt to treat them using banana peels. You can add banana peels to your oral care regimen and use this once a day to ward off thin dental plaques and keep your teeth clean, bright, and stainless.
3. To reduce hyperpigmentation
Melanin is a pigment produced by specialized skin cells called melanocytes, and this pigment is responsible for your skin complexion as well as the color of your hair and eyes. The greater the melanin production, the darker will be your skin and hair.
Melanin also protects the skin from the harmful UV radiation of the sun (biggest natural source) and other artificial sources. UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, damaging it at the cellular level. Prolonged or excessive exposure can even destroy your skin’s DNA structure and pave the way for melanoma or skin cancer.
This is why the protective role of melanin is very important. One can say it acts as a very potent and natural sunscreen. When the UV rays fall on the skin, the melanocytes at the exposed site go into overdrive and produce extra melanin to absorb the radiation so that it doesn’t penetrate deeper. The increased concentration of melanin makes the affected skin darker, and this is how tanning happens.
However, damaged or dysfunctional melanocytes can sometimes overproduce melanin at sporadic sites, making the skin darker in patches rather than in a uniform way. This erratic concentration of melanin usually manifests in the form of dark spots, freckles, melasma, age spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
How banana peel helps
Tyrosinase is an enzyme that converts premature melanin into active melanin. Studies have shown that banana peels may help reduce hyperpigmentation by blocking the activity of this enzyme. This property of banana peels has been attributed to its phenolic and carotenoid content. (5)
How to use:
- Place the inside of the banana peel over the affected skin, and secure it by using a bandage, tape, or gauze.
- Keep it on for at least an hour, but you can leave it overnight as well.
- Repeat daily.
Pro tip: You can also use a lactic acid-based peeling agent such as yogurt or milk cream on the skin before doing the banana peel treatment.
Note: Research on the hyperpigmentation-reducing properties of banana peel is still quite preliminary. Therefore, this banana peel treatment may only help reduce mildly dark spots. It is best to stick with synthetic formulations prescribed by your dermatologist with ingredients such as kojic acid and glycolic acid for deeper pigmentation.
4. To soothe mild skin inflammation
When your skin undergoes an injury, insect bite, physical trauma, or infection, its structural integrity is compromised. The body perceives this breach in the skin barrier as a health threat by an external agent and launches an immune response to fight off the foreign invader.
This involves releasing disease-fighting cells along with proteins called cytokines, which trigger inflammation at the affected site. The resultant skin inflammation usually manifests in the form of redness (erythema), itchiness (pruritus), swelling (edema), burning sensation, and pain.
This kind of inflammatory response can be induced by something as simple as an insect bite, which punctures a wound in the skin to inject toxins, or as complicated as a chronic skin infection.
When you get stung by an insect, rubbing a banana peel over the affected area can help pull the toxins out to relieve the inflammatory response.
How banana peel helps
The anti-inflammatory effects of applying a banana peel over skin injuries carry some scientific support.
A 2012 study favored the use of banana peels for the treatment of inflammatory disorders, a routine practice in Thai traditional medicine. (6)
Indonesian bananas have been studied for their abundant reserve of tannins, bioactive compounds that are known to inhibit or block the inflammation-producing activity of cytokines. (2)
How to use:
- Gently rub the soft inside of the banana peel over the affected skin for 5 minutes.
- Leave the banana peel residue on for about 15–20 minutes.
- Wash the treated area with cool water.
- Repeat as needed.
Note: This remedy is only useful for relieving mild skin inflammation associated with a bug bite or a mosquito bite, itchy skin, or sunburns. It may be ineffective against inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis, which require proper medical intervention.
5. To reduce the signs of premature aging
Aging is a natural and ceaseless process and there is no magic pill or beauty secret that can stop or reverse it. So, it is important to make peace with this undeniable truth because stressing about it will only make your skin age faster.
That’s right, stress along with a range of other extrinsic and intrinsic factors can accelerate the aging process. This includes poor diet, inadequate water intake, not getting enough sleep, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, environmental pollutants, and the sun’s UV radiation, which releases reactive oxygen molecules within the body called free radicals.
Free radicals destroy and structurally impair the proteins and essential fats present in the skin cells. They release oxidative stress inside the skin cells, which eventually damages your skin’s very DNA and may lead to skin cancer. This cellular breakdown makes your skin dull, uneven, dry, and less elastic. Saggy skin is more likely to fold and crease, resulting in the early onset of wrinkles and fine lines.
How banana peel helps
There is considerable research that sheds light on the powerful antioxidant properties of banana peel, but more extensive studies are needed to confirm these results. (7)(8)(9)
According to available studies, the antioxidant activity of banana peel stems from the various polyphenols and carotenoids present in it. (10) Antioxidants hunt down free radicals and eliminate them from your system before they can do any real cellular damage.
How to use:
- Massage the inner side of a banana peel with honey all over your face.
- Wait for 20–30 minutes.
- Rinse off the residue with lukewarm water.
- Do this once a day for as long as needed.
Note: It is important to note that simply rubbing banana peels will not reduce your wrinkles and fine lines. You will have to be consistent with this remedy and simultaneously adopt a healthy lifestyle, primarily focusing on your diet and physical workout.
ALSO READ: Signs of Skin Aging and How to Fix Them
6. To clean and brighten your face
Dull skin becomes increasingly prevalent with advancing age, especially if you don’t follow a proper skin care regimen. But it has become a common concern among the younger lot as well, thanks to the ever-increasing pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, stressful routines, and poor food choices that plague the world today.
There can be plenty of reasons why your skin becomes dull, but the major ones include clogged pores, pigmentation, and slow shedding of dead skin cells.
How banana peel helps
Banana peel contains a wide spectrum of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids, that help nourish the skin and curb or repair the damaging effects of free radicals.
It is also enriched with a good dose of citric acid, which works as a mild exfoliating agent. (11)(12) When used topically, citric acid dissolves the bond between the dead skin cells to make them shed easily and quickly.
The removal of the dull, damaged superficial skin allows freshly formed skin to rise to the surface from underneath. This new skin is naturally more bright, healthy, supple, and even-toned.
Plus, the mild acidic properties of banana peel can help remove the grime and excess sebum settled on top of the skin and in its pores. This deep-cleansing effect imparts a healthy glow to your skin.
How to use:
- Rub the white fibrous part of a banana peel on your skin for 5–10 minutes, using gentle hand motions.
- Leave the fibrous residue on your skin for at least 20 minutes.
- Wash the treated skin with cool water.
Other Anecdotal Benefits of Banana Peel
Here are some other beauty related uses of banana peel that carry a lot of anecdotal support but little to no scientific backing:
1. Reduces under-eye bags and puffiness
The potassium in the banana peel can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness. Also, its moisturizing nature helps fade under-eye darkness.
How to use:
- Scrape off the white fibrous inside of a fresh banana peel into a bowl.
- Mix in 1–2 tbsp of pure aloe vera gel to form a smooth paste.
- Gently apply the paste around your eyes until it dries.
- Wash it off with plain water.
2. Makes your hair soft, silky, and shiny
Banana peel hair masks can make your hair softer, silkier, and shinier.
How to use:
- Scrape the white fiber from 1–2 banana peels in a clean bowl.
- For dry and dull hair: Crack an egg or put a scoop of avocado in the bowl, pour a few drops of coconut/olive oil on top, and mix all the ingredients to make a smooth thick paste.
- For dandruff-ridden scalp: Add 1–2 tablespoons of yogurt and some coconut oil/tea tree oil to the banana matter, and mix all the ingredients into a lump-free paste.
- Apply the paste all over your scalp and hair.
- Let it sit for about 15–20 min before you rinse it out.
Final Word
Banana peels do not belong in the dustbin but in your beauty regimen. They are replete with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that can rejuvenate and repair your skin in different ways. They can also remove dental plaque and restore the shine of your pearly whites.
But for any remedy to deliver sustainable results, it must be used consistently as part of a wholesome skin care routine. Plus, there is no substitute for healthy eating and an active lifestyle when it comes to improving your skin and overall health.
Also, a remedy may not work the same for all people. Everyone’s skin is different, and this topical agent may suit some people more than others. Skin healing is a gradual process, so you must give this remedy some time to work rather than expecting immediate results.
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