In this article:
Your body has its own innate detox system that works to get rid of toxins you may consume from food or the environment. Toxins are impossible to escape from since they can be found everywhere from food and water to the air you breathe.

An elevated level of toxins in the body can be hard for your body to deal with, and experts advise following various natural ways to encourage and strengthen your body’s natural detoxification process.
Taking vital measures to detoxify your body every day is helpful in maintaining your overall health. There are multiple measures you can employ to aid the body’s detoxification process.
How to Detox Your Body Naturally
Here are some ways of detoxifying naturally.
1. Drink 8–10 glasses of water every day
Water is a critical nutrient and its absence can be deadly after only a few days. With the growing popularity of fluids and drinks such as sodas, packaged juices, flavored water, and caloric beverages, people are not drinking enough water.
Water makes up 75% of the body weight of infants and up to 55% of the body weight of adults. It is crucial for maintaining the body’s homeostasis and sustaining life.
For instance, a good hydration level is necessary to maintain regular body temperature. Water loss from the body via sweating is an essential cooling method in hot climates and while exercising.
Moreover, insufficient fluid intake is a reason for constipation, which is one way the body eliminates waste products from the body. The kidneys also use water to filter waste from the blood and promote its excretion via urine.
Multiple studies and experts recommend that you should be drinking 8–10 glasses of water every day to flush away the toxins from your body. (1)(2)
2. Practice oil pulling
Oil pulling is an age-old method of preserving health in Ayurveda and is known to be incredibly beneficial in conserving oral health.
Oil pulling is the technique of putting oil, specifically coconut oil, in your mouth and utilizing it as a mouthwash to discourage bacterial growth. These oral bacteria and toxins can dissolve in the oil, and when you spit the oil out, they are removed as well. (3)
Getting rid of toxins is very vital for sustaining your well-being. When your body has a lot of toxins, it becomes susceptible to health problems such as inflammatory symptoms, allergic reactions, and weakening of the immune system.
Numerous people report the benefits of oil pulling, and although there is not enough research done to prove its benefits, it is very easy to do and doesn’t need any professional aid, making it an effective at-home strategy. (4)
How to perform oil pulling?
- Take 1 tbsp of organic coconut oil.
- Put it in your mouth and swish it around like a mouthwash.
- Do this for a few minutes. Don’t ingest the oil.
- Spit the oil out and rinse your mouth with water.
- Brush your teeth like you do every day.
3. Drink matcha
Matcha is made from young tea leaves that are dried and turned into fine powder, which can then be steeped in boiling water to prepare a cup of tea. It varies from green tea as the entire leaf is consumed as powder, whereas green tea is removed after steeping.
Drinking matcha tea is a significant part of Japanese culture.
Matcha not only tastes good but also provides a lot of health benefits. It is deemed one of the healthier tea options due to the high levels of antioxidants in it. It helps prevent your cells from damage due to free radicals. Matcha may also help in controlling weight and can delay aging.
Research has shown the promising protective and detoxifying action of matcha on environmental toxins. So, try consuming it every day, preferably twice a day. (5)
4. Exercise for at least 150 minutes a week
Steady physical exercise is very useful for your health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), inadequate physical activity is one of the top 10 risk factors for mortality in people who are 18 and older.
People who partake in moderate-intensity workout activity for a minimum of 150 minutes every week have a 20%–30% reduction in the risk of mortality.
Furthermore, the advantages of regular physical activity consist of a reduced risk of heart diseases, improved blood pressure and lipid levels, and decreased depression. Also, daily physical exercise substantially reduces body mass, resulting in weight loss. (6)
These overall benefits to health will promote the body’s efficiency in clearing toxins away from the body.
Aerobic activity is well known to enhance lung capacity and promote well-being. It provides you with enough strength to accomplish day-to-day chores without getting exhausted easily.
Here are some aerobic activities you can perform: (7)
- Morning or evening walks
- Short run
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Dancing
- Boxing
- Zumba
5. Sweat out the toxins with sauna therapy
Studies indicate that regular sweating extracts waste from the body and is linked with improved health and keeping diseases at bay. Numerous investigations focus on the use of sauna or thermal therapy or waon therapy as an option for the management of various illnesses.
Reasonable and normal sweating plays an important thermoregulatory function. Sweating performs significant roles such as eliminating the extra micronutrients and waste from the body, which aids in the maintenance of your overall well-being.
So, in the prophylactic strategy for wholesome lifestyle management, reasonable sweating is an easy, secure, and convenient method. Normally, sweating happens due to mild exercise or activity, hot climate, and baths.
A study done to understand the effect of toxic elements and their excretion from the human body showed that toxic elements are excreted at differing extents in the blood, urine, and sweat.
Many toxic components seemed to be preferentially eliminated through sweat, proving that sweating is a potential way of preventing diseases. (8)(9)
So, try a sauna once every week to enhance your blood flow and eliminate toxic waste via sweating.
6. Get 7 hours of sleep daily
Sleep is a significant part of human life, yet a lot of people underestimate the relationship between health and a good night’s sleep. Sleep also improves brain health by enhancing memory, regulating metabolism, and decreasing mental fatigue.
Experts recommend 7 hours of daily sleep for reasonable cognitive and behavioral function.
Animal studies show that the space between brain cells may expand during sleep, permitting the brain to excrete toxins that accumulate during the waking hours.
Previous studies also imply that toxic molecules implicated in neurodegenerative diseases, such as beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease, collect in the space between brain cells. These toxic components vanish quicker in the brain when a person is asleep, suggesting the use of sleep in clearing away toxins. (10)
7. Quit drinking alcohol
Alcohol consumption, especially heavy drinking, is a significant risk factor for many health issues. In fact, alcohol is the probable reason for around 30 ailments, including:
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Neuropsychiatric diseases
- Cardiovascular disease
- Liver issues
- Pancreatic illness
- Injuries
Research explains that alcohol metabolism causes the production of acetaldehyde, a harmful by-product that may damage your tissues and contributes to the formation of reactive oxygen species that can damage cells of the body.
Chronic alcohol consumption is firmly associated with many medical issues. So, to prevent the accumulation of toxic compounds in the body, quit or at least limit your alcohol consumption. (11)(12)
8. Increase intake of dietary fiber
High dietary fiber intake stimulates a broad spectrum of positive effects, not just locally in the stomach, but all around the body. Dietary fibers can strongly influence the gut microbiome, which in turn has a positive impact on your gut.
This further aids in the management of your nutrient levels and detoxification of your organs such as the liver or kidneys. (13)
Common fiber-rich foods you can add to your diet include:
- Cereal
- Potatoes (do not remove the skin)
- Rice
- Corn
- Fruits
- Whole grains
- Bread
9. Limit your intake of sugar
Excessive sugar intake leads to a high risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, and also, dental issues.
Based on research, high sugar consumption is linked with unfavorable health outcomes.
The WHO has suggested restricting free-sugars consumption to below 10% (ideally below 5%) of the everyday total energy intake, which is approximately 50 g/day for adults. The most important culprits to high sugar consumption include table sugar, sweets, candy, chocolate, ice cream, and soft drinks. (14)
Most-Asked Questions
Is vaping bad for health?
Vaping refers to breathing in and out vapors created by an e-cigarette or identical device. It has been understood to deliver harmful chemicals to the lungs. It can be correlated to severe lung diseases. (15)
Can pranayama and yoga exercises help in detoxification?
Yes, pranayama and yoga exercises can help in detoxification.
Does taking probiotics help in detoxification?
Probiotics may aid in detoxification indirectly by supporting gut health.
Final Word
Detox diets aid in eradicating toxins, which helps in improving your health status and facilitating weight loss.
Even though your body has its own efficient detoxification system, you can improve your body’s natural detoxification process and overall health by keeping up your hydration, consuming less sugar, staying active, and following the other interventions suggested above.
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