
Brittany Duchene, MD

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Dr. Brittany Duchene is a pulmonary and critical care physician and the Pulmonary Division Head and Medical Director of Respiratory Therapy at Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital. She is also an assistant professor at the Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont, where is currently finishing her fellowship in pulmonary and critical medicine.

Dr. Duchene’s research area is asthma. However, she has a general interest in obstructive lung diseases and pulmonary physiology. She is presently a principal investigator in a study assessing the difference in the gut microbiome between obese individuals and asthmatics.

Dr. Duchene has extensive teaching experience and has conducted numerous oral presentations in both local and international conferences. She is a member of the ALA-ACRC (American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Center) Early Investigators Group. She has published several research articles in international journals and has written abstracts for both oral and poster presentations. Dr. Duchene has also reviewed articles published in The European Respiratory Journal and Journal of Asthma and Allergy.

Last modified on: 26-07-2021